Dossier for THE SPY


You do your best thinking and planning when no one else is around to distract you. In Washington, there’s a little park near the National Cathedral where no one goes. On this ship, you decide, the most unpopulated spot is the engine room. The clanging of the engines will drive off snoopers.

You open your dossier and you’re immediately absorbed by the contents.

You turn the page and learn that Operation Eyewitness is to collect evidence of persecution of the Jews in Nazi occupied Europe. The four of you are to deliver the team’s final one to two page report directly to President Roosevelt—for his eyes only. As the war progresses, FDR needs information which he can use to persuade Churchill and Stalin of the need for immediate action on Berlin. He believes Operation Eyewitness will be valuable in providing some of that information.

You take a deep breath. You thought you were ready; now you wonder. You’ve heard the rumors about persecution and death camps. Now it’s your job to get proof.


You turn to the next page to get background information which you will share with your team members at a group briefing tonight at 1900 hours.



Your skin crawls as you finish reading. Your military watch reads 1855. You rush to meet the other members of Operation Eyewitness in the stateroom.