
The Rubric for Operation Eyewitness

Name_______________________ Date___________ Class_______________

Operative performance, check job: ___spy ___journalist ___scientist ___WC expert









Did a full share of the work—or more

Did an equal share of the work

Did almost as much work as others

Did less work than others


Provided many ideas for the discussions and final report

Participated in discussions about the group activities and final report

Listened to others; on some occasions, made comments

Seemed bored with group activities and conversations, contributed little

Gave Feedback

Gave feedback to others that dignified

Gave feedback in ways that did not offend

Sometimes hurt feelings of others with feedback

Was openly rude when giving feedback

Accepted Feedback

Accepted feedback from others willingly

Reluctantly accepted feedback

Argued own point of view over feedback

Refused to listen to feedback




Extremely well organized; logical format that was easy to follow; flowed smoothly from one idea to the next

Presented in a thoughtful manner; there were signs of organization and most transitions were easy to follow; at times ideas were unclear

Somewhat organized; ideas were not presented coherently; transitions were not always smooth, which at times distracted the reader

Choppy and confusing; format was difficult to follow; transitions of ideas were abrupt and seriously distracted the reader

Content Accuracy

Completely accurate; all facts were precise and complete

Mostly accurate; a few inconsistencies or errors in information

Somewhat accurate; more than a few inconsistencies or errors

Completely inaccurate; the facts in the report were misleading to the reader

Research from Web Quest

Went above and beyond to understand and apply information; brought personal ideas and information to enhance the report

Did a very good job of researching the WQ; utilized materials to their full potential

Used the material provided in an acceptable manner, but did not consider the implications of the material

Did not utilize resources effectively; did little or no fact gathering on the topic


Captured the interest of the reader and maintained this throughout the entire report. Great use of vivid verbs and sentence variety

Was well written and interesting to the reader; good use of verbs and sentence variety

Was at time interesting and was presented clearly and precisely; limited variety of verbs and sentence types

Writing was not easy to follow and did not keep the reader’s interest; sentence types and verbs used were bland and predictable


1-2 minor errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation; no run-on sentences; typed, double spaced, 12 pt., 1" margins, indented paragraphs, centered title with member names

3-4 minor errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation; no run-on sentences; typed, double spaced, 12 pt., 1" margins, indented paragraphs, centered title with member names

5 or more minor errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation; or one run-on sentence; typed, double spaced, 12 pt., 1" margins, indented paragraphs, centered title with member names

Significant errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation; or two or more run-on sentences; or report not typed; or report with incorrect font size, margins, paragr. indentations, or title/names missing
